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Abstract #2953

The influence of different MRI scan plane on radiomic features of the Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Sulan Wei1, Qian Yang1, Tianran Li1, Miaoru Zhang1, Haiyan Pan1, Long Qian2, Shuangfeng Dai3, and Dehong Luo1

1Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Shenzhen Center, shen zhen, China, 2GE Healthcare, bei jing, China, 3Huiying Medical Technology Co, bei jing, China

It is known that radiomics has drawn more attentions in radiological research, and has been applied to evaluate the prognosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). However, the influence of different MRI scan plane on the radiomic features of NPC has not been investigated. To address this issue, in current study, contrast-enhanced T1 weighted images (T1WI_C) in axial, coronal and sagittal views with and without axial T2 weighted images were applied to build the radiomics-based models for the prognosis of NPC. Our results showed that radiomics features derived from axial view of T1WI_C had the best performance for the prognosis prediction of NPC.

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