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Abstract #2146

Myocardial permeability mapping analysis framework with an optimized Residual Complexity based registration

Jean Sebastien Louis1, Freddy Odille1,2, Damien Mandry1,2,3, Jacques Felblinger1,2, Clément Venner4, and Marine Beaumont1,2

1IADI, INSERM U1254, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 2CIC-IT 1433, INSERM, Université de Lorraine and CHRU Nancy, Nancy, France, 3Pôle Imagerie, CHRU Nancy, Nancy, France, 4Pôle Cardiologie, CHRU Nancy, Nancy, France

Myocardial perfusion data registration is challenging because of the inherent contrast variation in addition to cardiac and respiratory motions. Residual Complexity (RC) has been proposed as a new intensity based similarity measure for registration and has been reported to be more robust to contrast variation compared to other minimization indicators. In this work, we proposed a myocardial permeability maps framework with an optimization of a RC-based registration algorithm. We evaluated the performance of this algorithm, in comparison with MOCO and with no correction, on image quality and permeability maps.

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