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Abstract #1625

Use of kz-Space for Sub-mm Through-Plane Resolution in Multi-slice MRI: Application to Prostate

Soudabeh Kargar1,2, Eric A Borisch2, Adam T Froemming2, Roger C Grimm2, Akira Kawashima3, Bernard F King2, Eric G Stinson2, and Stephen J Riederer1,2

1Biomedical Engineering and Physiology, Mayo Graduate School, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 3Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, United States

The goal of this work is to demonstrate sub-mm through-plane resolution in multislice T2SE MRI using kZ-space processing of overlapping slices and to show applicability in prostate MRI. Multiple overlapped slices are acquired and Fourier transformed in the slice-select direction. The slice profile is taken into account in the reconstruction using Tikhonov regularization. Sub-mm resolution is possible from 3.2mm thick slices. The method is applied to 16 consecutive subjects for whom prostate MRI was indicated. The in vivo results from prostate MRI show improved sharpness in the axial reconstructions when compared to the standard axial multislice method.

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