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Abstract #1553

Imaging of Stroke in Rats using a Clinical Scanner and an Inductively Coupled Specially Designed Receiver Coil

Ignacio Iñigo1, Javier Istúriz2, Miguel Fernández3, Maria J. Nicolas1, Pablo Domínguez3, Gorka Bastarrika 3, Miguel Valencia1, and María A. Fernández-Seara3

1Systems Neuroscience Lab, Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada, Pamplona, Spain, 2Neos Biotec, Pamplona, Spain, 3Radiology, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

Imaging of small laboratory animals in clinical MRI scanners is feasible but challenging. Compared with dedicated preclinical systems, clinical scanners have relatively low main field (1.5 – 3.0 T) and gradient strength (40 – 60 mT/m). This work explores the use of wireless inductively coupled coils combined with adapted pulse sequences to overcome these two drawbacks, with a special emphasis on the optimization of the coil passive detuning circuit for this application. The images of rat brain stroke obtained show a substantial increase in SNR compared to clinical coils, and the absence of wires makes the animal preparation workflow straightforward.

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