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Abstract #1547

A Novel Ultra-Flexible High-Resolution 50-Channel RF Coil for Prostate, Rectal and Pelvis Imaging

Yun-Jeong Stickle1, Clyve Konrad Follante1, Mark Giancola1, Fraser Robb1, Victor Taracila1, Balint Franko1, Holly Blahnik2, and Robert S Stormont2

1MR Engineering, GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States, 2MR Engineering, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States

Typically, posterior with anterior array or Large/Medium MSK coils or endorectal coil are used for prostate and rectal imaging. These coils do not provide deep depth, high-resolution and acceleration images. A novel high-resolution flexible phased-array coil for Prostate, Rectal and Pelvis Imaging is presented. This coil contains a posterior base with two lateral flaps and one center flap with wire loops providing a light weight flexible conforming coverage to prostate, rectal and pelvis. This close fitting high density 50-Channel coil provides better diagnostic images and comfort. This coil also introduces new thin flexible materials including two thermoplastic coated thin fabrics.

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