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Abstract #1531

Investigation of an artificial line π LC BALUN as a single-stage impedance transformation network, for direct preamplifier and coil matching in MRI surface array coils.

Miheer Mayekar1, Tejkiran Patil1, Tapas Bhuiya1, and Rajesh Harsh1

1Technology Innovation Department, Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research, Mumbai, India

Previous studies have shown that the coil matching network (CMN) and preamplifier input matching network (IMN) can be combined to match the coil loop to the transistor in the preamplifier directly. Through simulations we have shown that the artificial line ‘π’ LC BALUN can be used to match the coil loop to the transistor in the preamplifier directly. Though ‘L’ section LC BALUN is widely used in surface array coils to create high blocking impedance across coils, it has several limitations. Hence, artificial line LC BALUN can be used as impedance transformation network and as a common-mode choke simultaneously.

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