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Abstract #1473

Dynamically Updated B0 Shimming for Multi-band Imaging with High Order Spherical Harmonics

Hoby Hetherington1, Chan Moon1, and Jullie Pan1

1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

High order spherical harmonic shims (SH) and multi-coil approaches have demonstrated that the best B0 homogeneity for 2D human brain imaging is achieved by dynamic updating and single slice-by-slice (SBS) shimming. However, the use of multi-band (MB) imaging with its superior data collection efficiency has overshadowed the benefits of single SBS updating. In this abstract we demonstrate that MB=2 B0 shimming (MBB0) can be achieved with equivalent homogeneity as single SBS imaging for SH shimming with a 4th+ high order/degree shim insert. For MBB0 =3 or 4, significant gains over static 4th order shimming are predicted.

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