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Abstract #1325

Toward an orientation-independent MR relaxation metric from $$$R_{1ρ}$$$ dispersion in articular cartilage

Yuxi Pang1

1Department of Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Residual dipolar interaction is the dominant mechanism for $$$R_2$$$ relaxation in cartilage, leading to the well-known "magic angle effect" observed in clinical MR imaging that makes reliable diagnostics challenging. Here, we show that the orientation-dependent factor in $$$R_2$$$ could be eliminated by a correlation time $$$τ_b$$$ derived from $$$R_{1ρ}$$$ dispersion in terms of order parameter. This predication was tested on orientated bovine patellar cartilage specimens at 9.4T and on one live human knee at 3T. The preliminary data showed that the derived anisotropic $$$R_2$$$ and $$$τ_b$$$ had respectively significantly high and moderate positive correlations in good agreement with the predication.

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