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Abstract #1286

1H nuclei compartmentalization, exchange and self-diffusion in cortical bone by one- and two-dimensions NMR in homogeneous and inhomogeneous fields

Leonardo Brizi1, Marco Barbieri1, Claudia Testa1, and Paola Fantazzini1

1Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

There is increasing interest in the study of water content, compartmentalization, exchange and its interaction with collagen in cortical bone for the evaluation of bone fracture risk. Here, we present the NMR characterization of 1H nuclei signals of the cortical bone. Different components (collagen, lipid, water) and different water compartments are identified measuring NMR properties and self-diffusion coefficients. The exchange between collagen and water protons is observed and an average residence time in the collagen is estimated. The results can contribute to optimize MRI protocols specifically for bone imaging and to characterize the role of water in this tissue.

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