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Abstract #1046

Integration of field monitoring for neuroscientific applications - SNR, acceleration and image integrity

David O Brunner1,2, Simon Gross2,3, Thomas Schmid3, Alexander Boegel2, Benjamin E Dietrich2,3, Yoojin Lee3, Bertram J Wilm2,3, Christian Mirkes2, Christoph E Barmet2,3, and Klaas P Pruessmann3

1Institute for Bio Engineeringmedical, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Skope MRT, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Full integration of field monitoring capability in an MRI system’s hard- and software by co-designing the two subsystems for neuroscientific applications is demonstrated along with its benefits in cutting edge fast imaging. The system entails a custom brain receiver array with integrated field-probes monitoring k-space during readout as well as the subsequent data processing pipeline for image reconstruction. All data is aggregated in an ISMRMRD data container for open access.

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