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Abstract #0999

Joint evidences for a posterior parieto-motor cortex pathway in humans using diffusion MRI tractography and direct cortical stimulation

Achille Teillac1,2, Pierre-Aurélien Beuriat1,3, Nathalie Richard1, Alexandru Szathmari1,3, Carmine Mottolose1,3, Michel Desmurget1, Angela Sirigu1, and Bassem Hiba1

1CNRS/ISC, Bron, France, 2CNRS/INCIA, Bordeaux, France, 3Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Hôpital Mère Enfant, Bron, France

This study aims to identify projections from the posterior parietal "reach area" to the primary motor cortex, in healthy humans, using diffusion MRI tractography and direct cortical stimulation information. We analyzed multiple-shell data from 20 subjects of the Human Connectome Project and found significant ipsilateral projections connecting the identified region to the primary motor cortex, especially the hand-knob area which shows the highest streamlines density on both hemispheres. Strikingly, we also identified a density peak in the left (language-related) hemisphere, within the dorsolateral part of the precentral gyrus related to mouth control.

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