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Abstract #0583

Whole body 3.0 T MRI in Adult Lymphomas: Assessment of Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers for Nodal Disease Assessment

Arash Latifoltojar1, Mark Duncan2, Maria Klusmann3, Alan Bainbridge3, Deena Neriman3, Francesco Fraioli3, Jonathan Lambert3, Kirit Ardeshna3, and Shonit Punwani1

1Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London, Lodon, United Kingdom, 2University College London Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 3Univesriy College London Hospital, London, United Kingdom

Whole-body MRI (WB-MRI) is being increasingly advocated as an alternative/adjunct imaging platform in range of cancers including lymphomas. In this study we investigated the application of quantitative imaging biomarkers (QIBs) from a multi-parametric WB-MRI protocol for nodal disease assessment in adults’ lymphomas. We have shown that signal fat fraction (sFF) is more accurate for delineation of positive and/or negative disease compared to apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and might be a useful addition to widely used ADC quantitation.

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