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Abstract #0217

Dynamic Optimization of Gradient Field Performance Using a Z-Gradient Array

Koray Ertan1,2, Soheil Taraghinia1, and Ergin Atalar1,2

1National Magnetic Resonance Research Center (UMRAM), Bilkent University, ANKARA, Turkey, 2Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bilkent University, ANKARA, Turkey

Performance parameters of gradient coils such as size of the linearity volume, linearity error, inductance, power dissipation, gradient strength per unit current are determined at the design stage. On the contrary, array of gradient coils driven by independent amplifiers can enable optimization of this parameters. Therefore, optimal gradient performance can be realized depending on the sequence requirements and target volumes. Nine channel z-gradient array is used to optimize various performance parameters and to analyze the tradeoffs between them. Linear gradient profile generated by Z-gradient array hardware is used as readout gradient to demonstrate the feasibility of the hardware.

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