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Abstract #5623

Approximation of Contrast Source for Fast Integral-Based MR-EPT and the Calculation of Incident Electric Field

Lei Guo1, Jin Jin1, Mingyan Li1, Yaohui Wang2, Chunyi Liu1, Haiwei Chen1, Feng Liu1, and Stuart Crozier1

1ITEE, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

Integral-based Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (MR-EPT), has seen rapid development in recent years. Compared with differential-based MR-EPT methods, integral-based methods are less sensitive to measurement noise and free from boundary conditions. The integral-based MR-EPT methods rely on the global convolution between the Green function and the contrast source, and also require the knowledge of incident fields. This study investigates a novel method to approximate the contrast source, and then utilizes this approximation to calculate the incident electric fields.

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