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Abstract #5621

Liquid Crystal Magnetic Resonance Visible Thermometer

Kathryn E Keenan1, Elizabeth Mirowski2, Michael Snow2, Karl F Stupic1, and Stephen E Russek1

1Physical Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, United States, 2High Precision Devices, Boulder, CO, United States

A magnetic resonance thermometer with liquid crystal compartments was designed and prototyped to provide a method of non-invasively measuring temperature when imaging MR phantoms. We successfully demonstrate the liquid crystal MR visible (LC-MRV) thermometer using different, fast, sequences on both pre-clinical and clinical systems. The LC-MRV thermometer is designed to exhibit rapid cholesteric to isotropic transitions in the room temperature range spanning 15.0°C to 25.0°C in 0.1°C to 1.0°C increments. It is demonstrated that the LC-MRV thermometer is resilient to large magnetic fields and therefore variations in the magnetic field, providing an accurate determination of the temperature during quality control scans where bore temperatures can vary day-to-day and scanner-to-scanner. It also provides a rapid assessment of temperature changes over the duration of the scan.

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