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Abstract #5505

Quantifying the Myelin and Iron Contents of the Brain in vivo using a Linear Model of Relaxation

Riccardo Metere1 and Harald E. Möller1

1NMR Unit, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany

Quantitative MRI maps are believed to strongly correlate with myelin and iron contents. Recently, a linear model combining prior information from non-MRI techniques was proposed for quantifying myelin and iron based on relaxometry (R1 and R2*) in post-mortem human brain samples. Here, we propose an adaptation of the linear relaxation model that is capable of predicting (with some limitations) the myelin and iron contents of the brain under in vivo conditions. It uses prior knowledge from the literature to calibrate the linear coefficients and was validated in a cohort of 10 subjects.

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