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Abstract #4884

Second-order motion-compensated in-vivo cardiac diffusion tensor imaging in diastole – impact of ventricular flow, strain and trigger delay.

Robbert J.H. van Gorkum1, Constantin von Deuster1, Christian T. Stoeck1, and Sebastian Kozerke1

1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Motion-compensated spin-echo cardiac diffusion tensor imaging (cDTI) sequences suffer from signal loss if the motion pattern has higher-order motion terms than the motion compensation model of the encoding gradients. Particularly cardiac strain, ventricular flow and atrial contraction render diffusion imaging in diastole challenging. It is shown that a suitable trigger delay in the diastolic phase can be identified by taking into account ventricular flow, strain and diffusion-weighted data at several time points in diastole. This knowledge aids towards the development of spin-echo-based cDTI sequences to study dynamic myofiber changes between systole and diastole.

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