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Abstract #4416

Simultaneous MR and Ultrasound Acquisition for Image Guided Radiation Therapy using an MR-compatible, Hands-free, Electronically Steerable Ultrasound Transducer

Thomas Foo1, Warren Lee1, David Mills1, David Shoudy1, Heather Chan1, Aqsa Patel1, James Sabatini1, Timothy Fiorillo1, Eric Fiveland1, Lowell Scott Smith1, Bo Wang1, Jhimli Mitra1, Shourya Sarcar1, Alan McMillan2, James Holmes2, Wes Culberson2, Michael Bassetti2, Charles Matrosic2, Andrew Shepard2, and Bryan Bednarz2

1GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 2University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States

A new approach is developed for intrafractional motion management in radiation therapy (RT) that accounts for respiratory-induced motion using a prior simultaneous MR-ultrasound acquisition to provide “virtual” real-time MR image guidance during the RT procedure. This proposed solution first acquires simultaneous MR and ultrasound to link MR images to different respiratory states that are determined from 4D ultrasound images. During the RT procedure, the hands-free 4D ultrasound determines the respiratory state from displacement of endogenous fiducial markers. MR images corresponding to each respiratory state are displayed to provide an indication of the tumor target relative to the radiation beam.

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