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Abstract #4375

Quantitative T2 values for Detection and Grading of Prostate Cancer

Tobias Franiel1, Julia Mai1, Mohamed Abubrig2, Thomas Lehmann3, Felix Güttler1, Elisabeth Weiland4, Tom Hilbert4, René Aschenbach1, Friedrich-Carl von Rundstedt5, Marc-Oliver Grimm5, and Ulf Teichgräber1

1Department of Radiology, University Hospital Jena, Jena, Germany, 2Department of Pathology, Universitiy Hospital Jena, Jena, Germany, 3Department of Statistics, University Hospital Jena, Jena, Germany, 4Siemens Healthcare AG, Erlangen, Germany, 5Department of Urology, University Hospital Jena, Jena, Germany

Purpose: Determination of quantitative T2 values in prostate tissue and their evaluation for detection and grading of prostate cancer.

Methods: 3T T2 maps and ADC maps of 75 patients with 857 prostate areas (378x normal, 177x cancer, 150x BPH, 119x prostatitis and 33x precancer) were determined.

Results: T2 values differed significantly between cancer and normal (AUC=0.871), between cancer and BPH (AUC=0.827) and between cancer with GleasonScore 6 and ≥ 7 (AUC=0.742). T2 relaxivities decreased with increasing GleasonScore and correlated significantly with ADC-values (r=0.772).

Conclusion: T2 values seem to be adequate for the differentiation between prostate cancer and normal tissue or BPH.

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