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Abstract #4237

Fast Measurement of B1+ using the NO2RAGE pulse sequence

Riccardo Metere1, Tobias Lenich1, Kerrin J. Pine2, and Harald E. Möller1

1NMR Unit, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Department of Neurophysics, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany

The knowledge of the spatial distribution of the transmit field of the coil, B1+, is essential in a number of MRI applications, particularly at higher field strength. SA2RAGE is a recently developed technique for B1+ mapping, derived from the MP2RAGE scheme. The sensitivity to B1+ is obtained from a preparation pulse and optimized delays between block gradient acquisitions. Here, we propose a much faster (but otherwise comparable) method, referred to as NO2RAGE, where the B1+ sensitivity is obtained by omitting the preparation, nullifying the delays, and adjusting the other sequence parameters. The technique compares favorably against other in vivo methods.

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