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Abstract #4142

Efficient $$$k$$$-space coverage using a 3D accelerated low-discrepancy trajectory

Tobias Speidel1 and Volker Rasche2

1AG Experimental Cardiovascular Imaging (ExCaVI), University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 2University Hospital of Ulm, Ulm, Germany

Acquiring three-dimensional (3D) images in MRI is a time consuming process. The overall duration of acquiring a Nyquist sampled 3D dataset can be significantly shortened by enhancing the efficiency of $$$k$$$-space sampling. This can be achieved by accelerating each $$$k$$$-space read-out and by additionally increasing the coverage of $$$k$$$-space for every trajectory interleave.

In this work, we present a 3D $$$k$$$-space trajectory that is highly accelerated in terms of $$$k$$$-space velocity that leads to a low-discrepant coverage of suchlike using a considerably reduced number of read-outs.

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