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Abstract #3951

Magnetic targeting and imaging of super-paramagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles to subcutaneous tumour models

Mohammad Mohseni1, John Connell1, Stephen Patrick1, Chris Payne1, Yichao Yu1, May Zaw-Thin1, Tom Roberts2, Bernard Siow1, Tammy Kalber1, Quentin Pankhurst1, and Mark Lythgoe1

1UCL, london, United Kingdom, 2Kings College, london, United Kingdom

Magnetic targeting of iron-oxide nanoparticles using a MRI system could play an important role for future advances in delivery and non-invasive monitoring of therapeutic interventions. Currently, there is limited information on the effect of magnetic field gradients on the distribution of particle accumulation in the target region. This study shows that the delivery of individual 100nm particles can be enhanced in tumours using an external magnetic field after intravenous injection in vivo. Using quantitative non-invasive imaging we found that the distribution of nanoparticles within the tumour depends on the shape of the magnetic field gradient applied across the tumour.

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magnettargetingfieldgradientflowdeliveryparticlesdistributioncapturingcustomdistancesdoubleefficiencyironoxidesubcutaneousvelocitiesgradientsin vivoinjectionmagnetssystems