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Abstract #3916

Oxygen-Enhanced MRI for the Detection of Hypoxia in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer

Rafal Panek1,2, Kee H. Wong3,4, Liam Welsh3,4, Angela M. Riddell3, Dow-Mu Koh3,4, Veronica Morgan3, Shreerang A. Bhide3,4, Kevin J. Harrington3,4, Christopher M. Nutting3, Maria Schmidt3,4, Martin O. Leach3,4, James P.B. O’Connor5,6, Kate L. Newbold3, and Simon P. Robinson4

1Nottingham University Hospitals, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 3The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation, London, United Kingdom, 4The Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom, 5The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 6Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, United Kingdom

Tumour hypoxia is a recognized cause of treatment failure. Noninvasive methods to quantify distribution and extent of hypoxia remain an unmet clinical need. Quantitation of the longitudinal relaxation rate, R1, using oxygen-enhanced MRI (OE-MRI), can be used to monitor differences in levels of paramagnetic molecular oxygen in plasma. In this study, we report a significantly reduced hyperoxia-induced ΔR1 response in HNSCC in comparison to the healthy lymph nodes, revealed by OE-MRI. Such a reduction can be attributed to regions of impaired tumour vasculature and hypoxia, the presence of which may be linked to a poorer outcome.

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