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Abstract #3866

Simultaneously Acquired Single- and Triple-Quantum Spectroscopic Imaging with Density-Adapted Projection Reconstruction and Time Proportional Phase Increment

Ruomin Hu1, Matthias Malzacher1, Michaela A U Hoesl1, Dennis Kleimaier1, and Lothar R Schad1

1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany

Multi-quantum filtered spectroscopic imaging methods utilize the spin-3/2 characteristic of 23Na nuclei to generate multi-quantum coherences reflecting on the binding of 23Na+ to macromolecules. In this work, a spectroscopic density-adapted radial imaging modality was developed to simultaneously acquire single-quantum and triple-quantum signal under identical condition using time proportional phase increments. In vivo rat head images with 1 mm resolution were acquired in under an hour. This method may be applied to monitor the single-quantum and triple-quantum signal development in diseases such as stroke and cancer and lead to a deeper understanding of metabolic processes in healthy and diseased tissue.

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