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Abstract #3779

Altered Hippocampal Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated with Memory Impairment in Patients with End-stage Renal Disease

Xueying Ma1, Dun Ding1, Peng Li2, Pan Zhang1, and Ming Zhang1

1Department of Medical Imaging, First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, 2Department of Medical Imaging, NO.215 Hospital of Shaanxi Nuclear Industry, Xianyang, China

Memory impairment was common among ESRD patients, but the physiopathologic mechanisms were largely unclear. Hippocampus and prefrontal cortex played an important role in the human memory. Here we analyzed the structurre and functional connectivity of hippocampus and its correlation with memory scores (AVLT-H). We found that the hippocampal volume and FC between the rostral/caudal hippocampi and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex as well as middle temporal gyrus. Correlations were found between hippocampal changes and memory impairment. Our study indicated that the hippocampus should be taken into consideration in the further mechanism study of neurol damage in ESRD patients.

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