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Abstract #3439

Magnetic Particle Imaging based 4D flow analysis technique using regional MRI data evaluation – initial in vivo results of a beating rodent heart

Jochen Franke1,2, Heinrich Lehr1, and Volkmar Schulz2

1Preclinical Imaging, Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany, 2Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems, University RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany

A dual-modal cardiovascular in vivo assessment in rodents was performed using a highly integrated Magnetic Particle Imaging – Magnetic Resonance Imaging hybrid system. 4D velocity flow field estimation of a beating rodent heart was extracted from the pulsed tracer information within the MPI dataset of a non-toxic tracer bolus. By means of co-registered morphological MRI data acquired at 0.5 T, an anatomical regional velocity flow field evaluation was performed for the four heart chambers individually.

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