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Abstract #3305

Ultrafast 7T EEG-fMRI for epilepsy using 3D paradigm-free models

Stephen Jones1, Balu Krishnan2, Anna Crawford1, Wanyong Shin1, Sehong Oh1, Imad Najm2, César Caballero-Gaudes3, and Mark Lowe1

1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Neurologic Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, United States, 33Basque Center of Cognition, Brain and Language, San Sabastian, Spain

There is enormous benefit for non-invasive MRI techniques guiding neurosurgeons to resect tissue causing epilepsy. We extend traditional EEG-fMRI methods in 3 ways: apply 7T to increase BOLD signal; use increased temporal resolution (TR 300ms) from multiband techniques to separate primary from secondary epileptogenic zones; and use paradigm-free mapping to identify interictal spikes obtained during long scans. We test this methodology using isolated finger taps as a surrogate for epileptogenic spikes. Close correspondence between conventional event analysis and paradigm free mapping suggests epileptogenic spikes can be reliably detected if their HRF is similar to a single finger tap.

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