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Abstract #3202

Diffusional kurtosis imaging of parotid glands in Sjögren's syndrome: Initial findings

Zhengyang Zhou1 and Weibo Chen2

1Department of Radiology, Drum Tower Hospital, School of Medicine, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 2Philips Healthcare, Shanghai, Shanghai, China

A total of 40 patients with SS and 40 healthy volunteers underwent DKI-MR imaging, which generated ADC, D, and K values. The MR nodular grade was determined on the basis of MR morphological findings. The parotid ADC, D, and K values in patients with SS were significantly higher than those of healthy volunteers. The K values correlated positively with the MR nodular grade significantly in patients with SS.All parotid DKI parameters differed significantly among patients with SS at different MR nodular grades. Parotid DKI parameters hold great potential in diagnosing SS, especially in early-stage SS without MR morphological changes.

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