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Abstract #3073

Quantitative Data Analysis of in vivo Hyperpolarized 13C NMR Data: 1D vs 2D

Frits H.A. van Heijster1, Ron de Beer2, Arend Heerschap1, and Dirk van Ormondt2

1Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Applied Physics, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands

13C-DNP hyperpolarization (HP) in MR allows for single shot detection of 13C-labeled metabolites in vivo. The dynamic acquisition of 13C MR signals after injection of a HP 13C-substrate results in a two-dimensional time-domain dataset. Often the 1D NMR time domain is fitted first and the results are fed into a kinetic model. We present a 2D method, in which all data points in both NMR and kinetic time dimensions are fitted simultaneously. This results in an improved accuracy for all determined kinetic parameters compared to the 1D method, in particular for low-SNR metabolites. CRBs are significantly smaller using 2D analysis.

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