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Abstract #2964

Evaluation of extended GROG and Toeplitz pre-reconstruction interpolation methods on radial simultaneous multi slice MRI

Ye Tian1,2, Ganesh Adluru1, Jason Mendes1, and Edward DiBella1

1UCAIR, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

The purpose of this study is to develop and extend GRAPPA operator gridding (GROG) for fast iterative reconstruction of radial SMS data, and to compare extended GROG (EGROG) with GROG, Toeplitz and NUFFT methods. Simulation and in-vivo tests were done to compare these methods. Our results show that EGROG improves reconstruction by providing better Cartesian k-space estimation, it outperforms Toeplitz and GROG at oversampling factor 2, and a speed up factor of ~2 was achieved compared to NUFFT.

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reconstructiongrogoversamplingkernelradialspacesliceextendedin vivoperfusionreconstructedsimulationaccuracyestimation