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Abstract #2675

A Two-Dimensional Spiral Multi-Echo Turbo-Spin-Echo Technique

Zhiqiang Li1, Ashley G Anderson III1, Melvyn B Ooi1,2, and James G Pipe1

1Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States

TSE is widely used for T2 weighted imaging in routine clinical neuro exams. However, the concerns with TSE include its high specific absorption rate (SAR), and difference in contrast compared to conventional SE. In this work we propose a 2D spiral multi-echo TSE technique, which is insensitive to the T2-decay induced signal variation that affects other spiral TSE techniques. This technique provides improved contrast, high signal to noise ratio, and substantially reduced SAR, compared to Cartesian TSE.

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