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Abstract #2586

Long-term and short-term repeatability of hepatic proton density fat fraction measurement across MR field strengths in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease subjects and a phantom

Bohyun Kim1, Hye Jin Kim1, Jei Hee Lee1, Hyo Jung Cho2, and Jai Keun Kim1

1Radiology, Ajou University Hospital, Suwon, Republic of Korea, 2Internal Medicine, Ajou University Hospital, Suwon, Republic of Korea

Long-term and short-term repeatability of hepatic proton density fat fraction measurements was assessed across MR field strengths in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease subjects and a phantom. Our results showed that PDFF measurement have high short-term and long-term repeatability across the fields strengths, and patients undergoing a longitudinal PDFF measurement may be scanned regardless of MR field strength.

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