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Abstract #2403

Hemodynamic reorganization approach to estimate the functional connectivity in task based functional MRI study

Swati Agrawal1, Vijayakumar C1, Ardaman Kaur1, Subash Khushu1, Rinku Sharma2, and Suresh Sharma2

1NMR Research Centre, Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences, Delhi, India, 2Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India

Modulations in brain connectivity by task reveal more insights into complex interaction and neuronal communication occurs between various cortexes. However, assessment of these modulation is limited by dynamic hemodynamic (HRF) spread (3 to 6 sec) occurs at every brain regions by various task stimulus. This dynamic HRF limits methods of resting-state studies to be adopted directly in task-fMRI. Thus, in this study, a novel hemodynamic reorganization method is proposed to rearrange the dynamic HRF of every stimulus such that functional connectivity modulation caused by every stimulus and their mutual correlations in visual search based target detection task can be assessed.

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