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Abstract #2130

An optimized DCE-technique detects weak contrast agent accumulation undetectable on post-contrast T2*-weighted acquisitions: application to a model of neuroinflammation

Teodora-Adriana Perles-Barbacaru1, Corane Karoutchi1, Isabelle Varlet1, Monique Bernard1, and Angele Viola1

1Aix-Marseille Université, CRMBM UMR CNRS 7339, Marseille, France

No dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) study has been published so far in Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (EAE), although DCE-MRI is used in human Multiple Sclerosis. This study reports a DCE protocol optimized for mouse brain imaging of subtle and delayed contrast agent accumulation and applies it to the study of EAE with moderate neurological signs. Two-fold signal increase with respect to the vascular volume fraction can be detected while even moderately enhancing lesions remain visually undetectable on pre and post-contrast T2w and T2*w acquisitions. Ventricles, midbrain and ventral olfactory bulb are first to be affected in moderate EAE.

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