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Abstract #2073

Improving MRI assessment of whole-brain structural health in aging: an approach involving multiple sequences

Hui Guo1,2, Yunting Zhang1, Ryan C.N. D’Arcy2,3, and Xiaowei Song2,3

1Medical imaging department, Tianjin medical university general hospital, Tianjin, China, 2Health Sciences and Innovation, Fraser Health Authority & SFU ImageTech Laboratory, Surrey Memorial Hospital, Surrey, BC, Canada, 3Schools of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada

The process of brain aging is characterized by the accumulation of multiple structural changes, several of which can be visualized using clinical MRI. Brain Atrophy and Lesion Index (BALI) has been validated to collectively assess MRI-based whole-brain structural changes. This study aims to improve the BALI assessment of whole-brain structural changes in aging using multiple routine clinical MRI sequences (T1WI, T2WI, T2-FLAIR and T2*GRE).

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