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Abstract #1856

Assessing visual field integrity using gray matter myelination at 7T

Alessio Fracasso1, Carlien A Roelofzen2, Giorgio L Porro3, Douwe P Bergsma4, Mies van Genderen5, Serge O Dumoulin6, and Natalia Petridou3

1Spinoza Center for Neuroimaging, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 4Donders Institute, Njmegen, Netherlands, 5Bartimeus Institute for the Visually Impaired, Zeist, Netherlands, 6Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging, Amsterdam, Netherlands

High resolution 7T MRI allows to investigate the functional and structural organization of human cerebral cortex at an unprecedented level of detail, visualizing myelination patterns over the cortical surface and identifying a large number of cortical areas. In this study we hypothesize that myelin content co-varies with loss of visual input. We used a modified T1-w MPRAGE to enhance myelin visualization within gray matter and acquired data from patients with hemianopsia, a visual field defect consisting of an absolute scotoma limited to a single hemifield, and evaluate whether the clinical symptoms are reflected in gray matter myelination in the occipital cortex.

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