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Abstract #1742

Low cost Earth Field NMR Spectrometer with improved Shimming (LESS)

Chennagiri Rajarao Padma1, ThejasVishnu Ramesh1, Syed Saad Siddiq1, Darshan Shivaramu Keelara1, and Sairam Geethanath1,2

1MIRC, Dayananda Sagar Institutions, Bengaluru, India, 2Department of Radiology, Columbia University Medical Centre, New York, NY, United States

A simple, portable and low cost Earth’s Field NMR (EFNMR) spectrometer with improved shimming has been demonstrated. Basic NMR principles such as signal transmission, signal detection, and the pulse sequence for MR signal formation have also been demonstrated. The EFNMR spectrometer has been benchmarked with the commercially available Terranova system. The spectrometer was designed with inexpensive and readily available electronic components, costing less than $130. The current work focuses on improving the signal-to-noise ratio of the system using conventional shimming methods, which is a challenge in ultra-low field systems. Future work involves incorporation of gradients and time-shared pulse sequence design.

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