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Abstract #1707

Sensitivity Improvement of Quadrature Surface Coil using Isotropic Metamaterial Flat Lens

Tejkiran A. Patil1, A. Sidhique1, Pulkit Sharma1, Rajesh Harsh1, and P. H. Rao2

1Indigenous Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory, SAMEER, Mumbai, India, 2SAMEER-CEM, Chennai, India

Metamaterial lens has previously been used to improve the sensitivity of phased array coils and the improvement is specifically seen at the epicenters of the loops and a sharper notch is formed at the critical overlapping region because of high resolving capability of the lens and it is not desirable for larger field of view (FOV). This work proposed a novel concept of nearly constant improvement in receiver sensitivity over the FOV using a combination of both metamaterial flat lens and quadrature surface coil.

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