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Abstract #1693

A Tx/Rx Coil Concept Using the Same Receiver Array Coils

Xiaoyu Yang1, Haoqin Zhu1, Tsinghua Zheng1, and Yong Wu1

1Quality Electrodynamics, LLC, Mayfield Village, OH, United States

Typical Tx/Rx coils require a separate local transmitter and complicated T/R switches to make a local transmitter. They are expensive and may degrade receiver coil performance. We propose a novel Tx/Rx coil concept using the same receiver array coils. All receiver coils are allowed to inductively couple to the WBC in Tx mode. The combined induced amplified Tx field from the array coils is uniform and can be used as local Tx B1 field. This new concept simplifies Tx/Rx coil design and enables highly parallel array coil design with local Tx capability.

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