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Abstract #1686

Increasing Mixing Time in STEAM-DTI Enhances Inter-Muscle Heterogeneity Patterns in the Lower Leg of Healthy Subjects

Celine Baligand1, Thom TJ Veeger1, Jedrek Burakiewicz1, Melissa T Hooijmans1, Jan JGM Verschuuren2, Erik H Niks2, and Hermien E Kan1

1Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, C.J. Gorter Center for High-field MRI, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Neurology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands

Hereditary muscular disorders are characterized by progressive skeletal muscle wasting and weakness. Although these diseases are caused by ubiquitous genetic mutations, the symptoms appear at different rates in different muscles. We investigated the differences in microstructural properties of different muscles of the lower leg in healthy subject using STEAM-DTI with varying diffusion times at 3T. We identified a characteristic pattern of differences in fractional anisotropy and diffusivity in healthy muscles than can serve as a knowledge base for future studies on disease progression in muscular disorders.

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