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Abstract #1432

Analysis of collagen fibrillogenesis of a caprine patella tendon with magic angle imaging

Karyn Elizabeth Chappell1, Catherine Van Der Straeten1, Donald McRobbie2, Wladyslaw Gedroyc1, Mihailo Ristic3, and Djordje Brujic3

1Medicine, Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, 3Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

It is known that our collagen fiber alignment changes as we develop, reach maturity and then age: the crosslinking of collagen is considered one of the best biomarkers of aging. This study used magic angle imaging to visualise the collagen fiber changes between development and skeletal maturity in caprine knees. Immature tendons are less aligned during development, becoming more aligned as skeletal maturity is reached. This method has great potential to non-invasively improve our understanding of the development and degeneration of collagen rich structures.

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