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Abstract #1278

What is the optimal ROI size for single voxel MRS in global brain pathology?

Maike Hoefemann1, Victor Adalid1, and Roland Kreis1

1Depts. Radiology and Biomedical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

The purpose of this study was to investigate optimal voxel size (VS) as a compromise between increasing SNR and decreasing linewidth under the side-constraint of minimal artifact levels and to investigate potential benefits from considering signals from single coil elements separately. Eight different VS were evaluated; hinting at optimal VS of 60 cm³ and indicating that lineshape information from unsuppressed water should be included in the fitting process. Differences in single coil elements show substantial impacts on spectral quality, indicating that individual processing and exclusion of certain channels is superior to the standard procedure of an indiscriminate weighted sum.

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