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Abstract #1259

Separating BOLD into local and non-local components using a novel simultaneous fMRI-fPET dual analysis

Phillip G D Ward1,2,3, Francesco Sforazzini1, Sharna D Jamadar1,2,3, Jakub Baran1, Shenpeng Li1,4, Zhaolin Chen1,4, and Gary F Egan1,2,3

1Monash Biomedical Imaging, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 3Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function, Australian Research Council, Melbourne, Australia, 4Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

The objective was to separate the MRI BOLD response into local and non-local components using a simultaneously acquired functional FDG-PET (fPET) dataset. We used a visual task, with both high-frequency and low-frequency temporal components, to simultaneously evoke glucose and BOLD responses. Joint analysis of the fMRI and fPET identified two components, including a positively-correlated map of the visual cortex, and a negatively-correlated map of sub-regions of the visual cortex in fMRI and the draining vasculature in fPET. These findings provide preliminary evidence that we can deconstruct the fMRI BOLD signal into local (neuronal) and non-local (haemodynamic) components using simultaneous fMRI-fPET.

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