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Abstract #1210

In-Plane Superresolution with Phaseless Subpixel Encoding

Franciszek Hennel1, Rui Tian1, Maria Engel1, and Klaas P Pruessmann1

1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

A method to obtain a high-resolution 2D image from a series of subpixel-encoded low-resolution 2D scans is presented. The phaseless character of this encoding allows unknown signal phase fluctuations to be easily discarded and makes the method a promising alternative to k-space segmenting in motion-sensitive experiments such as diffusion MRI. Based on an analogy with the structured illumination method used in superresolution optics, important improvements have been introduced that reduce artefacts caused by k-space truncation and magnetic field inhomogeneity. The utility of the method is demonstrated by a 3-fold resolution enhancement of diffusion-weighted EPI of human head.

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