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Abstract #1202

A 3D k-Space Fourier Encoding and Reconstruction Framework for Simultaneous Multi-Slab Acquisition

Erpeng Dai1, Yu-hsuan Wu1, and Hua Guo1

1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

3D multi-slab acquisition is an important technique for high-resolution isotropic diffusion imaging. To further accelerate the acquisition, simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) excitation can be combined with multi-slab. Although either multi-slab or SMS acquisition can be described using a 3D k-space, it’s hard to describe simultaneous multi-slab (SMSlab) using a 3D k-space. In this study, it’s shown that by using RF modulation and gradient encoding together, SMSlab acquisition can also be described by a 3D k-space. It’s further demonstrated that parallel imaging techniques, such as 2D SENSE and 2D GRAPPA, can be used to recover the under-sampled k-space from SMSlab.

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