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Abstract #1040

Fully-Automated One-Button-Push 10-min 3D CAIPIRINHA SPACE TSE MRI of the Knee: A Multi-Center Multi-Reader Multi-Field-Strength Validation Study

Filippo Del Grande1, Marco Delcogliano1, Riccardo Guglielmi1, Esther Raithel2, Derek Papp3, Steven E Stern4, Christian Candrian1, and Jan Fritz3

1Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland, 2Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, 3The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Bond Business School, Gold Coast, Australia

2D TSE MRI is widely used for the evaluation of internal knee derangement but is time-consuming. Recently introduced 3D TSE acceleration strategies, such as CAIPIRINHA allow for fast sampling, and together with AutoAlign technology enable now fully automated one-button-push 3D MRI protocols in 10 minutes total scan time. In a prospective study of 150 subjects, we analyzed the frequencies of structural abnormalities, inter-reader reliability, inter-method concordance, diagnostic definitiveness, and interchangeability of 10-min 3D CAIPIRINHA SPACE TSE protocols and 20-min 2D TSE standard-of-reference protocols. Our results indicated that that 10-min 3D TSE protocols are at least equivalent to 20-min 2D TSE protocols for the diagnosis of internal derangement of the knee.

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