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Abstract #1023

Simultaneous quantification of T1, T2 and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting based on Echo Planar Imaging

Benedikt Rieger1, Mehmet Akçakaya2,3, Lothar R. Schad1, and Sebastian Weingärtner2,4

1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 2Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 3Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 4Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany

In this study we propose to integrate diffusion imaging into magnetic resonance fingerprinting, a method that has shown promise for time-efficient simultaneous quantification of multiple tissue parameters. The proposed sequence for quantitative T1, T2 and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) is based on using Cartesian EPI readout. The contrast is generated using spin-echo EPI and gradient spoiling with diffusion gradients of varying moment and varying TR and TE. Joint T1, T2 and ADC parameter-maps acquired in phantoms are in good agreement with reference measurements and demonstrate high quality in-vivo maps, within a scan time of 28 seconds per slice.

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