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Abstract #0944

Rotatable Main Field MRI Scanner for Angle Sensitive Imaging

John Mario Vincent McGinley1, Mihailo Ristic1, and Ian Robert Young2

1Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Electrical Engineering, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Anisotropies with respect to the main field direction in collagen-rich tissues may be exploited to provide new information about the tissue microstructures. However this requires the field to be oriented at various oblique angles relative to the subject. This is usually difficult and often impossible using conventional MRI magnet configurations. We have developed an entirely new open magnet concept which can be rotated about two motorised axes to achieve a wide range of orientations. The design of the magnet and the gradients posed special challenges. The new MRI system is suitable for imaging of extremities, particularly the knee.

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