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Abstract #0644

Wireless MR-Compatibility Control of Active Implantable Medical Devices

Berk Silemek1, Volkan Açıkel2, Uğur Yılmaz1, and Ergin Atalar1,3

1National Magnetic Resonance Research Center (UMRAM), Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2REHIS Power Amplifier Technologies, Aselsan, Ankara, Turkey, 3Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

In this study, we proposed a prototype implant that can be controlled wirelessly to change the connection impedance between the lead and the case. To show the effect of the connection impedance between the lead and the case, the tip temperature increase was calculated for 3 different lead lengths by placing a capacitance between the lead and the case. Two different case to lead connection impedance values were switched in this work as proof of a concept and tip temperature heating was changed during the scanning. It is demonstrated that by changing the impedance, the lead tip heating properties can be changed allowing safe scanning. it can be useful for avoiding excessive heating if resonance condition occurs due to environmental factors inside human body and position inside the scanner.

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