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Abstract #0537

Calibrating variable flip angle (VFA)-based T1 maps: when and why a simple scaling factor is justified

Sofia Chavez1

1CAMH, Toronto, ON, Canada

Variable Flip Angle (VFA)-based T1 maps are known to be prone to errors deriving from B1 errors (inaccurate knowledge of flip angles) and poor signal spoiling. In general, in vivo T1VFA values tend to overestimate T1 values obtained using a gold standard inversion recovery method :T1IR. Calibrating T1VFA with T1IR has been proposed but it requires knowledge of the exact relationship between these. This work models the contribution of B1 errors and poor spoiling to T1VFA errors and via simulations, the conditions for T1VFA/T1IR= constant (i.e. simple scaling) are derived. Experiments on phantoms and in vivo are used for validation.

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